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:heavy_check_mark: graph/others/block-cut-tree.hpp

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#pragma once
BlockCutTree: 用割点和不同的点双联通分量相连得到的树
#include "../connected-components/bi-connectd-components.hpp"

template <typename T = int>
struct BlockCutTree : BiConnectedComponents<T> {
    using BiConnectedComponents<T>::BiConnectedComponents;
    using BiConnectedComponents<T>::g;
    using BiConnectedComponents<T>::articulation;
    using BiConnectedComponents<T>::bc;

    vector<int> belong;         // belong[i] 表示 i 点属于哪个组
    vector<vector<int>> group;  // group[i] 表示 i 组里包含的点
    Graph<T> tree;

    explicit BlockCutTree(const Graph<T> &g) : Graph<T>(g) {}

    int operator[](const int &k) const { return belong[k]; }

    void build() override {
        belong.assign(g.size(), -1);
        int ptr = bc.size();
        for (auto &idx : articulation) {
            belong[idx] = ptr++;
        vector<int> last(ptr, -1);  // 用于检查是否关节点和联通块已经连过边没
        tree = Graph<T>(ptr);
        for (int i = 0; i < bc.size(); i++) {
            for (auto &e : bc[i]) {
                for (auto &v : {e.from,}) {
                    if (belong[v] >= (int)bc.size()) {
                        // v 是割点
                        if (exchange(last[belong[v]], i) != i) {
                            // 没和 i 连通块连过边
                            tree.add_edge(belong[v], i, e.cost);
                    } else {
                        belong[v] = i;

        for (int i = 0; i < g.size(); i++) {
#line 2 "graph/others/block-cut-tree.hpp"
BlockCutTree: 用割点和不同的点双联通分量相连得到的树
#line 2 "graph/connected-components/bi-connectd-components.hpp"
点双连通:在一张连通的无向图中,对于两个点 u 和 v,如果无论删去哪个点(只能删去一个,且不能删 u 和 v 自己)都不能使它们不连通,我们就说 u 和 v 点双连通。
#line 2 "graph/graph-template.hpp"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

template <typename T = int>
struct Edge {
    int from, to;
    T cost;
    int idx;

    Edge() = default;

    Edge(int from, int to, T cost = 1, int idx = -1)
        : from(from), to(to), cost(cost), idx(idx) {}

    operator int() const { return to; }

template <typename T = int>
struct Graph {
    vector<vector<Edge<T> > > g;
    int es;

    Graph() = default;

    explicit Graph(int n) : g(n), es(0) {}

    size_t size() const { return g.size(); }

    virtual void add_directed_edge(int from, int to, T cost = 1) {
        g[from].emplace_back(from, to, cost, es++);

    // virtual 可以被重载,实现多态
    virtual void add_edge(int from, int to, T cost = 1) {
        g[from].emplace_back(from, to, cost, es);
        g[to].emplace_back(to, from, cost, es++);

    void read(int M, int padding = -1, bool weighted = false,
              bool directed = false) {
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
            int a, b;
            cin >> a >> b;
            a += padding;
            b += padding;
            T c = T(1);
            if (weighted) cin >> c;
            if (directed)
                add_directed_edge(a, b, c);
                add_edge(a, b, c);

    inline vector<Edge<T> > &operator[](const int &k) { return g[k]; }

    inline const vector<Edge<T> > &operator[](const int &k) const { return g[k]; }

template <typename T = int>
using Edges = vector<Edge<T> >;
#line 2 "graph/others/low-link.hpp"
1. 割点:对于无向图,如果把一个点删除后这个图的极大连通分量数增加了,那么这个点就是这个图的割点(又称割顶)。
2. 极大连通分量:无向图中,能够互相到达的点在一个极大联通分量当中
3. 桥:对于无向图来说,删掉一个边后,连通分量增加了,那么这个就是桥
#line 10 "graph/others/low-link.hpp"
template <typename T = int>
struct LowLink : Graph<T> {
    using Graph<T>::Graph;
    vector<int> dfn, low;      // dfn[i]: i 点的时间戳, low[i]: i 点不经过父亲能到达的最小时间戳
    vector<int> articulation;  // 存割点
    vector<Edge<T>> bridge;    // 存桥
    using Graph<T>::g;

    virtual void build() {
        vis.assign(g.size(), 0);
        dfn.assign(g.size(), 0);
        low.assign(g.size(), 0);
        inde = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)g.size(); i++) {
            if (!vis[i]) dfs(i, -1);

    explicit LowLink(const Graph<T> &g) : Graph<T>(g) {}

    vector<int> vis;
    int inde;

    void dfs(int u, int pre) {
        vis[u] = 1;
        dfn[u] = low[u] = inde++;
        int child = 0;
        bool is_articulation = false, beet = false;  // beet 检查是否有跟父亲的重边
        for (auto &v : g[u]) {
            if (v == pre && !exchange(beet, true)) {  // 如果 v = pre,那么第一次会被 continue 掉,而之后就会继续往下走
            if (!vis[v]) {
                dfs(v, u);
                low[u] = min(low[u], low[v]);
                is_articulation |= (pre >= 0 && low[v] >= dfn[u]);  // 首先这里判断的点不能是第一个进来的节点,只要有一个 v 的 low[v] >= dfn[u] 那么 u 就是割点
                if (low[v] > dfn[u]) {
                    // 如果 low[v] > dfn[u] 说明这个边是桥

            } else {
                low[u] = min(low[u], dfn[v]);

        is_articulation |= (pre == -1 && child > 1);  // 如果它是第一个进来的点,且它有 2 个 child,那么它就是割点
        if (is_articulation) articulation.push_back(u);
#line 7 "graph/connected-components/bi-connectd-components.hpp"

template <typename T = int>
struct BiConnectedComponents : LowLink<T> {
    using LowLink<T>::LowLink;
    using LowLink<T>::g;
    using LowLink<T>::dfn;
    using LowLink<T>::low;

    vector<vector<Edge<T>>> bc;

    void build() override {
        vis.assign(g.size(), 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < g.size(); i++) {
            if (vis[i] == 0) {
                dfs(i, -1);

    explicit BiConnectedComponents(const Graph<T> &g) : Graph<T>(g) {}

    vector<int> vis;
    vector<Edge<T>> tmp;

    void dfs(int u, int pre) {
        vis[u] = 1;
        bool beet = false;  // beet 检查是否有跟父亲的重边
        for (auto &v : g[u]) {
            if (v == pre && exchange(beet, true) == false) continue;
            if (!vis[v] || dfn[v] < dfn[u]) {  // dfn[v] < dfn[u] 感觉只有跟父亲有重边时会加进来

            if (!vis[v]) {
                dfs(v, u);
                if (low[v] >= dfn[u]) {
                    while (true) {
                        auto e = tmp.back();
                        if (v.idx == e.idx) break;
#line 7 "graph/others/block-cut-tree.hpp"

template <typename T = int>
struct BlockCutTree : BiConnectedComponents<T> {
    using BiConnectedComponents<T>::BiConnectedComponents;
    using BiConnectedComponents<T>::g;
    using BiConnectedComponents<T>::articulation;
    using BiConnectedComponents<T>::bc;

    vector<int> belong;         // belong[i] 表示 i 点属于哪个组
    vector<vector<int>> group;  // group[i] 表示 i 组里包含的点
    Graph<T> tree;

    explicit BlockCutTree(const Graph<T> &g) : Graph<T>(g) {}

    int operator[](const int &k) const { return belong[k]; }

    void build() override {
        belong.assign(g.size(), -1);
        int ptr = bc.size();
        for (auto &idx : articulation) {
            belong[idx] = ptr++;
        vector<int> last(ptr, -1);  // 用于检查是否关节点和联通块已经连过边没
        tree = Graph<T>(ptr);
        for (int i = 0; i < bc.size(); i++) {
            for (auto &e : bc[i]) {
                for (auto &v : {e.from,}) {
                    if (belong[v] >= (int)bc.size()) {
                        // v 是割点
                        if (exchange(last[belong[v]], i) != i) {
                            // 没和 i 连通块连过边
                            tree.add_edge(belong[v], i, e.cost);
                    } else {
                        belong[v] = i;

        for (int i = 0; i < g.size(); i++) {
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